Maglock Magnetic Fresh Air Hose Attachment Parts

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Maglock Magnetic Fresh Air Hose Attachment Parts

Maglock Individual Parts

Product Information

Price Range: $49.95 - $59.95

Your Fitment

Product Information

  • Choose Hose or Helmet Attachment
  • Connection Perfection for forced air helmets
  • Universal helmet & air hose fitment
  • Magnetic force replace friction barbed fit/li>
  • One handed operation
  • Easy release in case of emergency extraction
  • Helmet Side adapter available separately


Easy, quick and secure connection for air hoses to forced air helmets. Tradional air hoses use a friction fit by pushing an epandable coupling over a barbed fitting, the MagLock System replaces the friction fit with 35lbs magnetic pull force. To attach the hose, put the couple within inches and the magnetic force will draw the coupling together with an air tight secire seal. To remove the hose, a single hand motion to break the seal with 10lbs of side force does the job. Designed for fast driver changes and to break away in the event of a hot extract, MAGLOCK AIR™ is American made and has been tested in the toughest environments in open wheel, closed wheel and off-road racing.